Personal Trainer Near Me
A Definitive Guide To Finding A Personal Trainer in Cincinnati
and beyond.
All too many times, a person does a simple internet search of… personal trainer near me. Is this the best way of finding a personal trainer in Cincinnati? It can be dangerous because the entire industry is without regulation and you can unknowingly put a shady character in charge of your fitness. Much like shopping on Amazon, it is easy and convenient to do a quick internet search. But when you shop on Amazon the worst-case scenario is that you may pay too much, but when it comes to picking a professional, you have much more to lose. You are entrusting your health with this person, and it is worthy of a 10 minute investment of your time. Whether you are looking for a personal trainer in Cincinnati (where we are), or elsewhere, this guide will help you make an educated decision.
Perform a basic internet search of their name
My failure to do this in the past has burned me, but after starting this practice it prevented me from hiring a person that was an accomplice to murder! No joke. The first thing you should do once you have a fitness trainer candidate is to do a simple internet search of their name. I recommend a search both on Google and on YouTube. You might be surprised what this simple search might turn up. The benefit of a basic internet search is that you can often find a history on your potential candidate, that is not necessarily criminal, but yet a solid reflection of their integrity.
Search local court records
You can also search the court documents for the counties surrounding Cincinnati. Any of these may give you a reflection of the persons integrity. If your trainer has questionable behavior in the past, you need to at least be informed. I know of multiple fitness coaches in the area that have what I would call a “concerning” history, including felonies. The thing is, you would never know it by talking to them. Don’t rely on your “good judge of character” or it may turn around and bite you in the rear.
Cincinnati area court records:
Research education and experience
Another important factor is to know the education and experience of your candidate.
When it comes to education, you need to know a few things. The personal trainer certification industry is not regulated. You do not have to be “certified” to be a personal trainer…anyone can call themselves a trainer. And to become certified only requires passing a single test given by numerous establishments with each having a different criterion for a passing grade. There are many very good certified fitness coaches, but I believe in the formal education of college, as they cover so many more health-related topics and in greater depth than any certification. You have to pass many exams for a college degree, and only one to become “certified”.
Experience is truly the best education. Questions about experience should be near the top of your list. Has your candidate had credible experience with a variety of demographics and medical/orthopedic issues? Often when I interview a candidate and ask them about their experience with orthopedic issues, I hear of the injury they had to their shoulder. This is not personal training experience! The best experience is working with people in a personal training gym where you will be exposed to different exercise methods and also surrounded by professionals that can mentor you. With mainstream Cincinnati gyms being the starting point for the newly certified, the experience gained here can be limited.
There are a number of trainers working in mainstream Cincinnati gyms that are not certified, and also do not have CPR certification, which is widely accepted in the industry as “required”. The gyms only care about the revenue a trainer can bring in, and are not concerned about ethics or client safety.
Personality fit
And of course, we need to talk about personality. Some people need a personality fit with their trainer, and unfortunately, this can influence a person’s decision more than education or experience. Sometimes, this is how the lesser qualified get people hiring them. They, for loss of better words, are good bull-shitters. I have seen clients go from a bull-shitter to a highly qualified professional and realize there is a world of difference. But highly qualified or not, you cannot deny the solid fit you get with the right personality.
The danger
What is the danger of choosing the wrong person to facilitate your health and wellness? Injury is certainly a consideration. Your professional should be very aware of causes, precautions, and contraindications for various injuries. Injuries can be caused or worsened by bad exercise techniques. Another consideration is the efficacy of their guidance. Being placed on a bodybuilder’s diet will result in you losing a considerable amount of weight, but this program cannot be maintained, and therefore you are being set up for failure, as all the weight returns with some bonus pounds. Your professional should focus on the traits that can be adopted into a lifestyle. If your fitness professional lacks on either of these two points, you are wasting your money. You should get a return on your investment of a healthier you!
Take your search for “personal trainer near
me” and follow up with research.
So take your search and combine it with these tips and make an educated decision. There are many incredible personal trainers out there, all of who have a different way of taking you toward your goal. You will appreciate the motivation and accountability that is offered, and you will notice a big difference in results compared to working out by yourself.