Fat Knees. Causes And Cures.
Inner knee fat, fat kneecaps, or simply an overall large knee is concerning for many, but luckily much can be done to improve this. In this article, we will address the healthy alternatives that will help you look your best.
The 7 Traits of a Skinny Person
To be a skinny person, you have to behave like one. Here are 7 traits that most skinny people have in common.
Keto Diet or Mediterranean Diet. Which is best for weight loss?
This diet can be healthy and a great way to achieve weight loss. The foundation of this diet is solid, healthy foods, and ones that need to be cooked.
Exercise and Sexual Performance in Women
While the muscles of the pelvic floor, often trained with Kegel exercises, can enhance sex for both men and women, these muscles do not contribute to movement during sex.
Back Fat. How Do You Get Rid of It?
Back fat is that stuff that bubbles up over your bra around the back of your shoulder and armpit. Back fat and how to get rid of it is a concern often raised by women.