Pull ups conquered by Adrienne!
Many women have come to Sensible Fitness wanting to achieve a pull-up. It is not an easy task, and takes dedication and tons of hard work.
Adrienne came to us and was unable to do either a pull-up or a push-up. Now she can crank out both!
Just achieving this level of strength and overall fitness is impressive, but when you hear the rest of her story, you will be amazed.
I will let her take it from here….
"Athlete and my name were never two words you'd find in the same sentence. Inever ran a mile. Never played sports. If something required heavy lifting, my job was to make sure the path was clear while others lifted and moved. I started and stopped more exercise programs, routines, and classes then you can imagine. There would be an event I wanted to look amazing for. A new pair of jeans I wanted to fit in. Or swimsuit season would be around the corner.
So I'd work out for a few weeks, not see the results I wanted or say I was too busy and quit. After all, who has time to workout when you're a single mom to two boys under 4 years of age right? Then the unimaginable happened. As the world was opening back up after COVID quarantine, the doctor called me. I had inherited the same heart condition that claimed my grandfather's life at the age of 38. I myself was 36years old. I stared into the faces of my boys. I could not leave them orphans. I found a gym that week and started working out. Probably just another routine l would start and stop but I felt I had to try something. And I stuck with it. Weeks turned into months and I kept going. But I still wasn't seeing any progress. My fitness level didn't change. And I hated going. I hated it every day. After a little I found my way to Sensible Fitness. The environment was different than anything I had experienced before. People were working hard but laughing and joking between sets.
Adrienne cranking out 3 pull ups and 15 push ups! She could do none when she started.
People genuinely were having a good time and gaining fitness. Instructors supported their clients with encouragement and enthusiasm. And finally, after all those years, I get it. It's not about the swimsuit. It's not about the jeans. It's not about the scale. It's about doing something that makes you FEEL better. It's about putting in the effort and having others next to you cheering you on. It's about loving yourself unconditionally and meeting yourself right where you are and saying "today I am here. Tomorrow where do I want to be?" My goal for this year was to do one pull up and one push up. Next year I want to run a 10 mile race. So where do you want to be in six months? A year? Five years? Hitting that pullup? Running a marathon? Hiking that mountain? Set goals. Live your life. Love the life you have. I turned 38 years old this summer. I cannot predict how my heart condition will affect my future. Tomorrow is not a guarantee. It's not a promise. But everyday I wake up, I promise to show up as my best, most authentic self. I dream big. I work hard. I love unconditionally. I try. I fail. I try again.'
Adrienne Jordan